Denied Review and Deterministic Reboot

So, Noise Volume was denied for Asset Store release. Luckily it was nothing major to do with code or functionality, but rather more technical aspects such as a lack of screenshots and the likes.

As such I was thinking of taking this opportunity to do a bit of work on NV, doing what I had in mind for it since its inception. The current Inspector-based editing is more of a prototype than anything else. What I’d like instead is an EditorWindow with a node-based interface, think Blender’s node materials.

An important thing I overlooked however, was the ability, or rather lack thereof, to change the seed. At first I thought it wouldn’t matter and if someone really wanted to, they could use the offsets as seeds. But after some feedback I realized it was needed for one reason; determinism. For example, if you need two identical noises in different resolutions, you would be out of luck since their seeds wouldn’t match, the noises wouldn’t match. As a result, next iteration of NV will be deterministic. The seeds will still be auto-generated, but you’ll have the option of changing it afterwards.

On top of this NoiseVolume also needs to support seamless textures in both 2D and 3D. But that requires 4D and 6D textures, which FastNoise does not implement. As of this writing I’m currently porting another noise library that does support this many dimensions and which will serve as the new core of NV.

So what needs to be done is

  • Fix review issues; screenshots, examples etc.
  • Finish porting ANL
  • Build NoiseVolume backend
  • Build node-based interface

I’ll be posting updates here as I go along, if you’re interested in more.

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